1. Providers
  2. AWS Amplify


AWS Amplify

Deploying to AWS Amplify.




Custom Domain



CLI Support

Getting started

  1. Go to AWS Amplify Dashboard

    Login and click on New App and select Host Web App.

    AWS-Amplify Dashboard
  2. Select Git Provider

    Now select Github and authorize it.

    Select git repo
  3. Select Git Repo

    From the list select your app repo.

    Select git repo
  4. Verify App & Build Settings

    Customize App & Build Settings if needed

    Select git repo
  5. Advance Settings

    You can change the docker image for build container and add env values.

    Select git repo
  6. Review your Configuration

    After reviewing your configuration hit save and deploy.

    Select git repo

Congratulations 🎉, you have successfully deployed your site to AWS Amplify.

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